Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Things that make dorm life easier....

So, when I left for school, I was just as worried about what all I was going to need as everyone always is. And I searched, and hunted and looked for the entire summer beforehand, and found all sorts of interesting lists. Some of them were just basics - computer, fan, sheets, refrigerator. Duh. Others were all sorts of awkward and somewhat expensive and useless things - like lots of lamps, or a billion baskets. And really, no one really needs all that crap. But you know what, I've got a list of things that I made over the year that I knew were helpful and easy to get, that really overall made my life better. Shortly after this, I'll start blogging about dorm room decorating. Its really not so hard, it just seems like it is because you've got a roommate, and the rooms are made to look so sterile, and frankly, like an insane asylum. So maybe, neither one of us will end up with a crappy looking room or spending money on stuff you really don't need!

Ok....so, just because, here are the basics.

Refrigerator - most places are ok with that, but it has to be smaller than 4.5 cubic feet. Boys can usually get away with smaller fridges, because most of the guys I know, fill it with soda and salsa. Everything else, they either eat it before it has to be in the fridge, or it's ok to be on the closet shelf.
Microwave - AMAZING! Toaster ovens and toasters usually arn't allowed, but microwaves can usually do the trick. Perfect for making Ramen at 2AM, or for reheating that leftover pizza for the fourth day in a row. And no, I'm not kidding....
Computer - Yes, everyone needs a computer now-days. Its used for homework, surfing the web, occupying free time, watching movies and of course playing games. Now, some people bring desktops, but to be honest, unless you're a computer guru, or that's what you already have and don't want to buy a laptop, it's really not all that good. Desktops take up ALL the space on your desk, and they heat up the room when during the fall and spring, it's perfectly warm enough already. Laptops are usually the way to go for homework needs. Mac or PC, it's personal preference, but you need Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and definitely a good browser, but again, browsers are personal preference.

                  When buying a computer for yourself, or parents buying one for your new college student, here is what to look for.  Look at the battery life first. You want it to be as long as possible, and make sure to remind the student using it not to leave it on the cord all the time, that actually lowers battery life by creating a dependency of your laptop on a power source. It needs to be very sturdily built, especially if it's going to be carried to class. An Intel i3 or i5 processor is recommended to keep up with them, a minimum of 3G of ram, 4 or more is much better. A 500-750Gb hard-drive so that they can save all their files. 

Bed Linens - You'll want an egg crate to go on your bed. Trust me. The dorm beds will probably be decent, but probably not great. Egg crates are awesome. Then you'll want a mattress pad to keep the egg crate on. Some people like to put a mattress topper before the mattress pad, but they're usually kind of pricey, and you can totally survive without one. Unless you have a terrible back. Then you'll need 2 sets of sheets at least. Check and find out if you need twin, or twin extra long. It's important. Two sets of sheets means you have one to have in the wash, and one to have on the bed. Then you need either a good comforter, or two regular blankets to layer when it gets super cold. Dorm rooms have funky temperatures.

OK, now for more things that are smaller, but still just as important for making your life easier. Things to remember to take from day 1, because you will be mad if you forget them or have to go buy them on that first day.

Clothes Hangers - Yes. You will need them.
Laundry Detergent- The kind that has the fabric softener in it is usually nice, because then you don't have to buy dryer sheets if you don't want to.
Laundry Hamper - You need a laundry bag. No if's, ands or buts. Bags are better, rather than hampers or basket because they can hang on doors or on the end of your bed.
Pens and Pencils/ - obviously, you'll need it for homework.
Computer paper - You will always need more than you think you will. I promise.
Painters tape - You will need this to put cords up on the wall and out of the way, or tape them to the floor. Duct tape is nice, but it leaves a sticky residue, and painters tape doesn't. Hence, love the painters tape, its easier to clean up at the end of the year!
Clorox Wipers - Great for cleaning up little messes and for sanitizing the crap out of your shared bathroom, or your stuff after someone uses it. You don't know where their hands have been - or how properly your dorm was cleaned before you moved in. CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!
LAN Cords and Ethernet Splitter - When the wireless goes down, which it is inevitable that it will, your homework will still be do - I promise. So, you will still need the internet, and so will your roommate, so you'll want a splitter so you can both use your ethernet cables at the same time. Usually a 15 ft ethernet cable is good, one for each roommate. and it's cheap. It's like $14 for both the cord and the splitter. You only need one splitter per room though.
Power Strips - You will probably need at least two or three. Just because.
Scissors - All that new stuff you just bought? You need something to open it with. Just sayin'.
Cable cord - You will want to watch TV. Usually universities will provide free cable for students, but you'll need a cord to connect it. Usually a 15ft cord will do - it can reach pretty much any location that you want to put your TV at from wherever the wall jack is. 

 Next are items that are optional, but nice.

Wireless Mouse - Yes, trackpads are great, but after a while, and for certain things, you will want a mouse.
Headset/headphones - If you want to Skype with your family or have to talk to a professor, you will want these.
Professional Dress Clothes - I know you think you won't need them, but trust me. You will. Some classes require professional dress for projects, there are mock interviews and also plenty of real ones if you're looking for a job at all.
Something to lock valuables in - Trust me, you want something that locks. To put jewelry, money, or just important belongings in so that they stay safe and don't get taken or messed up.
Dish Towels and Washcloths - You will eventually have to do dishes. You don't want to use the same towel you use to dry your ass to dry your dishes. Trust me.
Soap - Dish soap. Always helps.
Sponge - Use it to clean your dishes or scrub your bathroom!
Plastic cups and dishes - you probably won't need plastic plates, but you will need easy disposable paper ones. Plastic cups are a must have, and so are plastic bowls. Gotta have something to cook hot Ramen in at 2am.
Plastic Silverware - You will need it. Its cheap and easy to eat your tasty Ramen and Easy Mac with.
Real Silverware - It's stronger than plastic, so you can actually eat meat and stuff with it, and some days you will just be sick of the plastic. I promise. You'll want two sets of silverware, with forks, spoons, butter knives and steak knives.
Mini tool kit - You can buy it at Walmart for a couple bucks - you'd be amazed how useful they can be. You may need some screwdrivers to put new furniture together, tighten screws on old stuff or to measure to see where you can put stuff that it'll fit! Trust me, you want it.
Band-Aids, Ace Wraps, Neosporin - The three things you will need for a little first aid kid. It's unavoidable - you will scrape/cut/bang or otherwise injure yourself at some point during the year. It will happen. Be prepared.
Day-planner/Calendar - In high school, you can get away without a schedule. In college, if you forget something, you don't get second chances. Your professors don't like you that much. They really don't care if you pass or fail, so you need to write down when stuff is due so it gets done. Writing it down is half the battle.
A couple of good books to read - When the power goes out, and trust me, it will once or twice, you will probably have nothing better to do but read, and you really don't want to read your textbooks unless you absolutely have to.
Something special from home - Always bring one thing with you to remind you of home, or friends or something that you care about. Because you're in a totally new world. And it's always good to have one familiar thing with you, because nothing else will be.
Lamp - Usually one good desk lamp per roommate is good - usually ceiling lights are just fine for everyday lighting, but when sitting at your desk you may want something more. Floor lamps usually just take up room and don't get used for much, and they're kind of expensive. Don't spend money on them until you know for sure you want one after move in day.