Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's been awhile since I've made an update post, mostly because of my insane busyness. My days are scheduled by the hour, not just by the week or even the day anymore. My 30 challenges a day for 30 days that I had started went well for about 15 days, then I ran out of time to do them all. I wish I could finish it. But I'm just far too busy to cram all those things into every day. I might have to do one challenge every day for 30 days until I can finish them all instead. But what I did do definitely made me a better person. School has started back up, and now that I've returned to my college town, I find myself up at 6:30 every morning to shower and get ready for my 8am classes. Then it's class pretty constantly every day till around 2, tutoring two kids ages 10 and 13 from 2:30 till 7:30pm. Then I tutor a college athlete from 8pm till 10pm. Every day. Then after all that gets done, I start doing my homework around then till about 12, and sometimes I do homework in between classes or at other random intervals. It's a hectic life, but I really love it. None of that mentions friends, or family or cooking dinner or meals at all. Unfortunately some days fast food is the only option that can fit in my time schedule, but other days I have time to fix barbeque, bread and other delicious things. Today also marks the first month of being in a relationship with my boyfriend, and tonight I am making something delicious and enjoyably overly adorable. Tonight it is a heart shaped pepperoni pizza and homemade garlic french bread and his favorite dessert - cheesecake! It's going to be some of the wonderful life that is college - pizza on the floor, a movie and pillow forts. It's been a wonderful last month, and I fully intend to celebrate it! Life is only fun while you celebrate it. No matter how insignificant the occasion, even if it is only the one month marking of a relationship, don't forget to celebrate the little things and happy moments in life. I hope you are having as happy of a day as I am!