When cash is on short supply, life can get a little tricky. Especially when you are attempting to eat healthy food, exercise and still make more money. I think we all know this feeling...when your belly growls, and all that is available is what is cheap or free, and most assuredly not good for you. I'm there. Dining hall food is about as bad for me as I can get, but I can't really afford real food either. I mean, I have some bacon that I fried up in the dorm kitchens that now lives in my fridge, I have a loaf of bread, hot dogs, hot dog buns, water, ramen, several types of dry pasta, maybe some salsa somewhere and some salad dressing.
It's really tough to turn this meager grocery list into an appetizing and still healthy meal, since about half of these ingredients are pretty bad for you to begin with....
But then portion control can save me as well, so let's go with that.
I think tonight I'm going to take some pasta and make it tasty without a trip to the grocery store, since I really can't afford it.
First, I take a handful of Ziti dry pasta - just enough for only myself. Toss it in a bowl with a cupful of water, and microwave 10-15 minutes or until tender. Drain, rinse with cold water, toss with Italian salad dressing, top with Italian seasoning and Parmesan cheese!
Presto! Dinner.
Now for dessert.....MUG CAKE!!!!!!! The yummiest and easiest single serving dessert ever.
Strawberry Mug Cake
1 egg
1/8 tsp
vanilla extract
2 tbsp
strawberry yogurt (with the fruit stirred in)
4 tbsp
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 tsp
baking powder
4 tbsp
all-purpose flour
Prepare mug by coating the inside lightly with cooking spray.
Mix the ingredients in a small bowl. Beat egg first
with a spoon and mix in other liquid ingredients. Then add dry
ingredients and mix until you've removed all the lumps.
Pour the batter into the mug (do not fill more than
halfway) and smooth the top with a spoon. Thump mug firmly on the
tabletop six times to remove excess air bubbles. Place mug on top of a
microwavable small plate or saucer.
Bake for 3 - 4 minutes. Check for doneness by
inserting a toothpick in the middle of the microwave mug cake and
removing the toothpick. If the toothpick is dry, the MMC is done.
Wait 2 minutes, then run a butter knife along the
inside of the mug, and tip the cake into plate. Position the mug cake so
that the slightly rounded top is on top. Your microwave mug cake will
now look like a slightly overgrown muffin.
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